Also retooled is the weather sound system, expecially blowout effects. Expect Jupiter to be red and sunny, while Pripyat is going to be dark, stormy and very wet. Primarily focusing on the sky and weather of Call of Pripyat, AtmosFear adds over 90 new high-res sky textures, a dual weather cycle and probably weather patterns for different game areas. This mod changes a great deal of the sounds, sights and scares in Stalker to be even more realistic and beautiful. This is the exact mindset of the team that developed AtmosFear for CoP. Luckily, Call of Pripyat has that in spades, and why let a good thing go to waste? The absolute best thing a survival-horror-radioactive-first-person-shooter like Stalker can have going for it is fantastic atmosphere. That is why the top 5 best Stalker Call of Pripyat mods list exists, to help give you the best Stalker experience possible. Unfortunately, there are also quite a few mods not even worth the code they were written from, and it can be difficult to find the proverbial needle in a haystack from large mod databases. Thankfully, the Stalker modding community has saved the day yet again, producing a multitude of impressive Stalker CoP mods in the past year. Glitchy monster spawns, *interesting* dialogue accents and choices, and sometimes absent artificial “intelligence” are the usual suspects here. However, despite Call of Pripyat’s excellent all around pedigree, it still has it’s fair share of problems.

If you are a fan of the first two Stalker games, you owe it to yourself to check out Call of Pripyat. Stalker: Call of Pripyat is no exception to these generalizations, but it does add something entirely unique to the current FPS genre atmosphere. Most first person shooters nowadays feature realistic graphics, addictive gunplay, and psychotic enemies hell bent on destroying the world…or you.