
Fallout new vegas rocket launcher
Fallout new vegas rocket launcher

Also, a single deathclaw was found living near the outskirts of the Hub. government as a cheap replacement for human troops during combat operations, deathclaws were derived from a mixed animal stock, primarily the popular Jackson’s Chameleon. Originally engineered before the Great War by the U.S.

  • On the bodies of Forged in Saugus Ironworks.
  • On the body of Hammer in West Everett Estates.
  • Sold by Arturo Rodriguez in Commonwealth Weaponry.
  • If you have Gun Nut Rank 3 and Science Rank 4, you will have choices like the Missile Launcher, Minigun, Fatman, Gatling Laser and Gauss Rifle. If you select that option, a list of things that you can build will populate. You should see a listing for the Heavy Weapon Forge. So this portable weapon offers a greater penetration than the SPG-9 recoilless gun.

    fallout new vegas rocket launcher

    It penetrates 600 mm of steel armor behind ERA, or 750 mm without ERA. I got a Missile Launcher from a nightkin on the tower there. The RPG-29 fires a powerful 105 mm rocket, which contains a tandem warhead. I went to Black Mountain (there are some supermutants and nightkin there) to get the companion Raul. The RPG-29 is one of the deadliest rocket launchers in use today.

    Fallout new vegas rocket launcher